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Since 2019
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Feline Panleukopenia Virus (FPV) -
What You Need to Know
Learn how our tests work!
What is FPV?
Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) is a contagious and sometimes deadly virus found all over the world, including the USA. FPV rates, once very common, are steadily declining thanks to available vaccines. However, not all cats receive a vaccine and FPV still infects many cats. FPV infected cats may present with a severe disease characterized by diarrhea, fever, weakness, and vomiting. The American Veterinary Medical Association states that FPV is most common in cats ages 5-8 months, an age group that is more likely to die from the infection. Cats with FPV show similar symptoms to other common cat viruses making it hard to diagnose without a lab test
How is FPV transmitted?
FPV is produced and shed by sick cats. Shed virus can be found in blood, urine, feces, and saliva. In contrast with other viruses, FPV lasts for up to 2 years in the environment, making water, food, bedding, and other surfaces highly contagious. Virtually all cats and kittens will be exposed to FPV during their lifetime. New cats and unvaccinated cats must not be allowed into new homes without testing for FPV to prevent infection of other cats.
Is my cat at risk?
Because FPV is so resilient, and because most cats will encounter the virus during their lifetime, all unvaccinated cats are at risk. Cats without vaccination records, feral cats, or outdoor cats should be regarded as high risk.
How often should I test my cat for FPV?
A cat that has not been vaccinated, or whose vaccination status is unknown, should be tested as soon as possible. If you are introducing a new cat to your home, make sure to test for FPV prior to bringing the new cat home! Unvaccinated cats should be tested every 6 months
What makes CatDX testing unique?
CatDX tests for the presence of FPV directly in the Saliva. Our test is capable of detecting a low number of viruses, ensuring an accurate and affordable result. The relative ease in collecting saliva. allows you to test for FPV without having to visit your local vet. While the affordable price allows you to test your cat as often as you need.
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